简直是吃货的天堂,奶茶甜品 中餐西餐清真美食 韩餐日料应有尽有,只恨自己不是大胃王😂肉骨茶个人推荐松发,没有那么重口味,药材胡椒味道都比较清淡,和油条更搭哟~还有干的肉骨茶也值得一试,口味甜中带辣。良木园酒店每年七八月会有榴莲盛宴,D24 猫山王等各种榴莲甜点,味道超赞👍🏻 三巴酱烤魔鬼鱼 田鸡粥 面包夹雪糕都是特色美食,不知道吃什么就去芽笼吧!
- 不限
- 日韩港澳台
- 东南亚及亚洲其他
- 欧洲
- 大洋洲 北美
- 非洲 南美
简直是吃货的天堂,奶茶甜品 中餐西餐清真美食 韩餐日料应有尽有,只恨自己不是大胃王😂肉骨茶个人推荐松发,没有那么重口味,药材胡椒味道都比较清淡,和油条更搭哟~还有干的肉骨茶也值得一试,口味甜中带辣。良木园酒店每年七八月会有榴莲盛宴,D24 猫山王等各种榴莲甜点,味道超赞👍🏻 三巴酱烤魔鬼鱼 田鸡粥 面包夹雪糕都是特色美食,不知道吃什么就去芽笼吧!
亲子之选—良木园酒店🏨性价比超高的老牌酒店👧🏻良木园是我为小丫头精心挑选的酒店,这家建于1900的酒店有着浓郁的历史气息和独特的奢华格调,这里的前身是条顿俱乐部,是旅居新加坡的德国侨民的聚集地。20世纪30年代末,这里改建为酒店之后,声名远播,当时温莎公爵、英格兰威尔士王子等名人都曾来此下榻;1989年,这家五星级酒店历史悠久的宏伟塔楼被列为国立纪念物。这样的酒店,走在里面都是一种享受啊!🛋虽然房间配套稍微有点旧,但完全不会影响对这里的观感。更重要的是,这家酒店居然有两个游泳池!要知道在新加坡市中心,大部分五星级商务酒店的游泳池都是奢侈品。而良木园的泳池,一个小而美,隐藏在苍苍郁郁的绿植和亭台水榭之间,有一种格外浪漫的氛围;一个大而雅,分割出两片区域,一边是适合小朋友玩耍的儿童池,水深约60cm,即使小丫头自己在里面玩耍也无须担心,另一边则是一个标准泳池,适合成年人游泳锻炼。🍲在良木园入住的日常,是早上不紧不慢地享用一顿丰盛的早餐,然后带着小丫头去玩一圈,在外面吃过午餐,回酒店睡个午觉,再去泳池尽情玩耍一会,然后推着小丫头去乌节路上遛一遛,喝个下午茶或者享用一顿晚餐。👨👩👧这样的不紧不慢的悠然惬意,才是亲子度假的正确打开方式啊!📍Tips地址:22 Scotts Rd, Singapore 228221交通:MRT乌节路站,步行约3分钟价格:800-1000元每晚
GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL的HIGH TEA BUFFET , 含税差不多人均45-50坡币这样子。琳琅满目的餐食,新鲜艳丽的水果,热情不失彬彬有礼的服务人员,及时的更换餐具。时不常旁边的泳池还会上演各国小萌娃们的戏水。找一个下午,来这里坐坐,闹市中的一处幽静。五星墙推!
良木园大酒店 | Goodwood Park Hotel位于乌节路(Orchard Road),散发着宁静的魅力,设有2个游泳池和Spa、6个餐饮场所和免费私人停车场。各处覆盖免费无线网络连接。距离远东广场购物中心(Far East Plaza Shopping Centre)数步之遥,距离乌节地铁站(Orchard MRT Station)约有7分钟步行路程,距离克拉码头和驳船码头的许多夜生活场所有15分钟出租车车程。地址:22 Scotts Road,Singapore 228221
Alma by Juan Amador | WELCOME TO ALMA BY JUAN AMADORGetting together with good friends and enjoying incomparable dishes – this is where the true soul of eating can be found. Alma, which is Spanish for soul, makes eating precisely that: a place where not only friends and food come together, but everything it takes to transform your visit into an unforgettable experience. Relax with a casual atmosphere and feel-good service. Enjoy Asian-influenced Modern–European cuisine that indulges and astonishes with evolutionary creations. And be wowed by the best ingredients combined with pure culinary passion. All this in the exceptional ambience of the Goodwood Park Hotel – be it at your table at the Alma restaurant or on the lounge terrace with bar.地址:史各士路22号良木园酒店
WELCOME TO ALMA BY JUAN AMADORGetting together with good friends and enjoying incomparable dishes – this is where the true soul of eating can be found. Alma, which is Spanish for soul, makes eating precisely that: a place where not only friends and food come together, but everything it takes to transform your visit into an unforgettable experience. Relax with a casual atmosphere and feel-good service. Enjoy Asian-influenced Modern–European cuisine that indulges and astonishes with evolutionary creations. And be wowed by the best ingredients combined with pure culinary passion. All this in the exceptional ambience of the Goodwood Park Hotel – be it at your table at the Alma restaurant or on the lounge terrace with bar. Alma by Juan Amador位于史各士路22号良木园酒店
Alma by Juan Amador位于史各士路22号良木园酒店 WELCOME TO ALMA BY JUAN AMADORGetting together with good friends and enjoying incomparable dishes – this is where the true soul of eating can be found. Alma, which is Spanish for soul, makes eating precisely that: a place where not only friends and food come together, but everything it takes to transform your visit into an unforgettable experience. Relax with a casual atmosphere and feel-good service. Enjoy Asian-influenced Modern–European cuisine that indulges and astonishes with evolutionary creations. And be wowed by the best ingredients combined with pure culinary passion. All this in the exceptional ambience of the Goodwood Park Hotel – be it at your table at the Alma restaurant or on the lounge terrace with bar.
良木园酒店 | 位在新加坡乌节商圈,处新加坡的精华地段,周遭有许多的购物中心。良木园为新加坡一家历史悠久的酒店,其地位可与莱佛士酒店相抗衡。虽然只被评为四星级,不过其英国殖民时期所保留的建筑,却是一般五星级酒店所无法企及的。不仅地理位置上佳,最大特色是每年6-7月的榴莲年度盛典,享受到豪华美味的榴莲泡芙。地址:22 Scotts Road, Singapore到达方式:近地铁红线乌节站。
岷江川菜馆 | goodwood park酒店处于orchard商业中心,洋楼的建筑风格在周边四五星级酒店里显得别具一格。我对这里的中国美食挺满意的,味道也真的很不错呢,服务的态度显得比较有礼貌。地址:228221,新加坡良木园酒店Scotts路22