虽然在瓜纳华托的停留时间只有短短一天,这座城市却给我留下了深刻的印象。不仅仅是从Embajadoras Garden开始的亡灵节夜游,更是瓜纳华托独特的风俗和活动让这个节日变得与众不同。其中最具代表性的传统之一便是10月31日在当地大学台阶上搭建的多层祭坛“Ofrenda Monumental”,纪念已故之人。瓜纳华托的亡灵节也充满了游行和竞赛活动,游行队伍中,参与者穿着各式奇幻服饰,还会有装饰精美的花车。比赛项目则包括“卡特里娜”服装比赛和“tapetes de muerte”彩绘地毯大赛,学生和艺术家们用彩色沙子、锯末、花瓣、种子等材料创作出象征亡灵的精美图案。Guanajuato City has its own set of local customs and events that make Día de los Muertos special. One such tradition is the “Ofrenda Monumental,” a multi-level altar staged on the steps of the local university on October 31. Guanajuato’s Día de los Muertos is also marked by parades and contests. The processions include participants dressed in fantastic costumes as well as parade floats. Competitions include a “Catrinas” costume contest and the “tapetes de muerte” competition, where school groups and artists create symbolic “carpets” made from colored sand, sawdust, flowers, seeds, and more.#DayoftheDead #Guanajuato #MemorableExperience
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