Vishuddhi Alaya Resort is a place where we experience the silence of nature and, along with that, peacefulness and spaciousness within ourselves. The resort is located in a serene, natural environment that promotes tranquility and relaxation of our entire being. With its paradise-like seclusion and facilities, the retreat is an ideal location to withdraw from our stressful daily lives and reconnect to nature and ourselves. Being located in the neighboring area of the sacred pilgrimage site of Namo Buddha, the place is steeped in spiritual energy, which enhances the feeling of peacefulness and oneness.尼泊尔
PS. 穷游APP刚刚更新了新功能: Biu,我每次旅行都是用TA来 找攻略、规划行程、然后预定机票、 酒店。还能进行 约伴、看看 周末去哪玩儿。你也可以去试试哦!
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