斯普利特考古博物馆 | 斯普利特的考古博物馆成立于1820年,是克罗地亚最古老的博物馆。考古对象从从史前的亚得里亚海希腊殖民时期延伸到罗马,以及早期基督教中世纪时代。博物馆内大多数是来自中央达尔马提亚的区域古迹,尤其是来自索罗那(索林)的古希腊陶器,罗马玻璃的,粘土灯,做出来的骨和金属物体,以及宝石等非常重要的物件,合计6000余件。该博物馆还收藏了大量古董和中世纪的硬币,拥有一个大型图书馆,藏有考古学和历史书籍约约30.000多本。

Founded in 1820, the Archaeological Museum in Split is the oldest Museum in Croatia.
It has a large stock of archaeological objects from prehistoric times, from the period of the Greek colonization of the Adriatic and from the Roman, Early Christian and early Medieval ages.

Most of the monuments come from the region of central Dalmatia, to be more and especially from Salona (Solin). Very important are collections of stone epitaphs from Salona (about 6.000 of them), of Greek Hellenistic ceramics, of Roman glass, of clay lamps, of objects made out of bone and metal, and of gems.

The Museum has a large collection of Antique and Medieval coins. The Museum also has a large library with about 30.000 books on archaeology and history as well as on Dalmatica (books, journals dealing with themes from the history of Dalmatia).

Since 1878 the Museum has issued its own journal "Bulletin for Dalmatian Archaeology and History". The beginning of archeology in Croatia is connected with the Archaeological Museum. Its long-time director Frane Bulic, especially afterthe First lnternational Congress of Early Christian Archaeology was held in solin and Split in 1894, won it world renown.

The building housing the Museum was built according to the project of the Viennese architects A. Kirstein and F. Ohmann from 1912 to 1914. The Museum exhibition was renewed in 1970 on the occasion of the 150 anniversary of its existence. Stone monuments (sculptures, epitaphs) are exibited in the portico of the lapidarium; the chronological succession of cultures from prehistory to the Early Middle Ages is displayed in the exhibition hall. There is a guide-book to the Museum in Croatian and English.
地址:Zrinsko Frankopanska 25, 21000 Split
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