The area is probably the most colorful part of Bilbao, including many shops and taverns, several historical churches (San Antón, Santos Juanes, the Cathedral, San Nicolás), a large food retail market ( Mercado de la Ribera ), the public Arriaga Theatre, the seat of the Academy of the Basque Language (Euskaltzaindia), a ball court, and a public library. It is connected to the rest of the city and conurbation by the subway, tramway and buses. Three public elevators also connect Casco Viejo to the neighbourhoods of Begoña and Solokoetxe, which otherwise demand a rather intense uphill walk.新广场
PS. 穷游APP刚刚更新了新功能: Biu,我每次旅行都是用TA来 找攻略、规划行程、然后预定机票、 酒店。还能进行 约伴、看看 周末去哪玩儿。你也可以去试试哦!