Set between the unique village of Haworth and the wild moorland beyond, this homely Georgian house still retains the atmosphere of the Bronte time. The rooms they once used are filled with the Bronte' furniture, clothes and personal possessions. Here you can marvel at the handwriting on their tiny manuscript books, admire Charlotte's wedding bonnet and imagine meeting Emily's pets from her wonderfully lifelike drawings. Gain an insight into the place and objects that inspired their works.
The writing desks belonging to the three sisters are always on display, and their other personal possessions are changed on a yearly basis so that you can always be sure of seeing something new.
In addition to the main house, the Wade Wing houses a permanent exhibition about this remarkable creative family. Downstairs in the exhibition gallery you can see a changing display of manuscripts and art works from the Bronte Society collections.英国海沃斯勃朗特故居博物馆
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