圣马丁桥(Saint Martin Bridge)

建于十三世纪,桥头矗立两座防卫塔,属哥特风格。同属哥特式的天主教国王的圣胡安修道院 是胡安.古阿斯(Juan Guas)的杰作,受天主教国王(los Reyes Católicos)之命而建。这座修道院突出特点是雕饰华丽以及回廊上高超的雕刻艺术。

The Puente de San Martín (English: St Martin\\'s Bridge) is a medieval bridge across the river Tagus in Toledo. The bridge was constructed in the late 14th century by archbishop Pedro Tenorio to provide access to the old town from the west, complementing the older Puente de Alcántara linking to the east. Both sides of the bridge were heavily fortified with towers, the more recent dating from the 16th century.Bridge of San Martin
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Bridge of San Martin