罗马天主教堂(St. Joseph\'s Roman Catholic Church)

Saint Joseph的罗马天主教堂位于锡吉什瓦拉老城的东北部,靠近围墙,对靴子塔面对面而立。这座教堂建于1894-1896年间,由匈牙利人建造,是在弗朗西斯坎修女修道院被拆除后由建筑师H. Letz设计的。它遵循一种兼具哥特式和新罗马元素的折衷风格,北面有一个很高的钟楼。目前的内部是1893年火灾后重修的结果。


The Saint Joseph\'s Roman Catholic Church is placed in the north-eastern side of the citadel of Sighişoara, near the enclosure wall. Otherwise the other two biggest churches of the city which were built by Saxons, this one was built by the Hungarians. The monument was built between 1894-1896, after the demolition of the franciscan nuns monastery and was designed by the architect H. Letz. It follows an eclectic style with both Gothic and Neo-Roman elements and has a total length of 30 meters. On the northern side it has a very tall belfry. The current interior is the result of changes occurred after the fire of 1893.Roman Catholic Church
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Roman Catholic Church