伦敦著名的<!--{1#160793#Miss Selfridge(牛津街店)}-->英国购物除了那么就是Selfridge所在的bond street独树一帜 来一次英国 想带点礼物回家给家人朋友 那么一定不要错过这个1710s建立的街道 奢侈品 快时尚 摩登品牌 应有尽有 还有数不清的America Candy shop 你一定能在这条街道找到适合的伴手礼 还有各种时尚达人的身影 很多明星网红打卡的地方 街角的咖啡店 空气中散发的甜品味道 A Lazy AfternoonBond Street in the West End of London links Piccadilly in the south to Oxford Street in the north. Since the 18th century the street has housed many prestigious and upmarket fashion retailers. The southern section is Old Bond Street and the longer northern section New Bond Street—a distinction not generally made in everyday usage.The street was built on fields surrounding Clarendon House on Piccadilly, which were developed by Sir Thomas Bond. It was built up in the 1720s, the upper-class residents of Mayfair to socialise. Prestigious or expensive shops were established along the street, but it declined as a centre of social activity in the 19th century, although it held its home to the auction houses Sotheby's and Bonhams (formerly Phillips) and the department store of the most expensive and sought after strips of real estate in Europe.